Monday, July 11, 2011

Runner's High

Hello my loyal blog readers...I've missed you over the weekend! :)

I have not been happy with my workout habits since I've been in Singapore (or should I say lack thereof).  After my weekend away last weekend, I did not have time to decompress because we got back late Sunday night, just to go right to work early Monday morning.  Now that I was able to relax over this past weekend, it was time to get into some kind of routine.  Originally I was going to join California fitness which has fun classes and lots of equipment.  Gym memberships are quite expensive here in Singapore, so instead I decided to invest in a good pair of running shoes and get back into running.  I would rather use that gym membership money to travel somewhere once a month outside of Singapore :) 

I found a pair of good running shoes in my favorite brand on sale today...Score!! :)  I couldn't delay it any longer, so I knew that no matter what I was going for my first run after work today.  Even if it ended up being a mile, I had to do it.  I have been dreading it because of how humid it can get here.  I get home from work anywhere between 6pm and 7pm, so I figured the humidity wouldn't be as bad since the sun starts going down around 7:30pm. 

Today I got out there around 6pm.  I walked to the streets behind my condo to find a good place to run since I knew the traffic would be less that way.  I found the perfect running spot; there is a loop around a few condos a couple of streets behind my condo.  I estimate it to be somewhere between .5 and .9 mile long.  I know that's a horrible estimate, but I'm not a good judge of distances.  So between running down the streets and around the loop around 5 times, I estimate I ran somewhere between 3 and 3.5 miles??  I did fine in the humidity and had no problems with breathing.  Even though I didn't feel the humidity during the run, it must have been because I was drenched in sweat when I got home (and I do not sweat that much ever).  But It felt absolutely great to run again!  I've ran a half marathon once a year since 2008 and hope to continue that trend this year.  There is a half marathon/marathon in December in Singapore which is huge.  If all is going well by fall, then it will be my goal to run the half here. :)     

What's your favorite workout that gets you going??

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