I had my friend change my facebook password yesterday in the event that I get tempted one day to sneak on there. Today is the first full day of not being on there. I am realizing how much time I really spent on there...especially to fill up boredom time at work. I am not proud how attached to the site I was... Not having gone on there in the last 24 hours, I feel just a teensy bit less anxious today. Again not proud, but it's crazy how much more free time I have because I am not on there all the time. After moving here, I figured it will be a really good way to keep up with people and know what's going on back home. But I am realizing that the people who really and truly matter in my life; well we will keep in contact via email and skype because we are actually friends and not facebook 'friends'. Just to show you an example of this point: I looked up August birthdays to make sure I remembered to email those who are important to me (sorry I don't remember when everyone's birthdays are...), I only came up with 4 people that I really and truly will be wishing happy birthday to over the next month and half. I even had time to start reading Ukelele for beginners online this morning. :) Next weekend I will try out my friends ukelele at his party to see if I enjoy it. Why did I choose the Ukelele as my potential new hobby? It's small, easily transportable, I learned a couple chords on the guitar before and enjoyed it so this will be similar to that, and you can get one for really cheap here. :-D
How much time do you really spend on facebook? What are the positives and negatives about facebook?
For your inspiration.