Friday, August 19, 2011

Four months

Today is my four month anniversary of living in Singapore. :)  It's strange knowing that back home kids are going back to school after their summers off and all my teacher friends are back to school too.  I don't have a season change or American football to remind me that the fall season is on its way.  What I do have is the magic number 19 to remind me every month that I've been here yet another month in Singy! :) 

They say there are 4 stages to adapting to a new culture (taken from the two websites highlighted):
-Excitment:  This is the 'honeymoon' phase.  Everything is new and exciting. You love the new culture because you learn new things everyday, there are so many unexpected things to learn daily, and you have left the monotony of everyday life behind. You get a chance to experience brand new foods, language, habits, weather and lifestyle. This phase usually lasts between a few days and a few months.
The individual experiences a holiday or 'honeymoon' period with their new surroundings.
. Feel very positive about the culture
. Are overwhelmed with impressions
. Find the new culture exotic and are fascinated
. Are passive, meaning they have little experience of the culture

-Withdrawl or Negotiation:  Usually within 1 - 4 months the negotiation phase sets in. Frustration can occur as new ways off live become more familiar and lose their charm. Barriers from language and different cultural lifestyles become more apparent and can leave you feeling isolated. Feeling of being homesick are common at this stage and it is helpful to chat often with your friends and family back home.
The individual now has some more face to face experience of the culture and starts to find things different, strange and frustrating.
. Find the behaviour of the people unusual and unpredictable
. Begin to dislike the culture and react negatively to the behaviour
. Feel anxious
. Start to withdraw
. Begin to criticize, mock or show animosity to the people

-Adjustment:  Between about 6 months to a year, a person immersed in a new culture begins to grow used to living in the new culture and have a new daily routine they have adapted too. They no longer feel like such an outsider, but start to consider the new country home. They are accustomed to subtle cultural nuances and things begin to feel normal. A deeper love and appreciation of the new culture can occur.
The individual now has a routine, feels more settled and is more confident in dealing with the new culture.
. Understand and accept the behaviour of the people
. Feel less isolated
. Regains their sense of humour

-Enthusiam or Mastery:
When a person is fully immersed and adapted to life in a new culture, they are participating like a language. The language and communication problems from before are gone and the person feels at home. The person does not have to lose their original culture, but can appreciate both and feels at home.
The individual now feels 'at home'.
. Enjoy being in the culture
. Functions well in the culture
. Prefer certain cultural traits of the new culture rather than their own
. Adopt certain behaviours from the new culture

You really do go through these phases.  The one difference with living in Singapore is there is no language barrier for me because the main language is English.  I think that helped me adapt MUCH faster than going to a foreign speaking country.  I am definitely at stage 3 and most of stage 4 all at once since I don't have as many barriers here.  I have really come to embrace and appreciate the Asian culture and no longer feel annoyed by things that used to annoy me before.  :)  
Some more 4 month thoughts:

-I still love the consistent hot weather.  I can even handle running in the heat if it's after 5pm.  :)

-In the beginning I thought I would be at the beach every weekend.  Last weekend, I went to the beach for the first time in a couple months.  I've become somewhat of a 'lazy singaporean'. :-P

-Running really clears my head and always gives me a better perspective on life!  I feel my joints starting to get a little worn from running though.  After this half marathon, it may be time to switch to biking (which I already love.)

-I finally bought a monthly Skype subscription so that I can just call people because the normal Skype-ing hasn't worked out too well thus far.  $2.99 for unlimited calls to the US.... Why didn't I do this in the beginning??  So if you get a strange US number calling you, pick up!  It could be me :-D

-I've been thinking WAY too much lately trying to figure things out.  My mom today said just STOP!  STOP thinking.  And she is absolutely right.   So I've stopped. :)  I am going to just live my life and let the rest happen on its own.  Whew, that feels so much better!!!

After a couple of crazy weeks, I feel calm and happy again (and grateful)!  Hdigabtt?

What's the best part of fall where you live? :)

1 comment:

  1. Fall is proably my fav season because i feel that of late, its the best season we have. Our winters are long and unforgiving, we no longer have springs here it seems, and the summers are unpredictable with the unbearable heat and humidity and tormado and storms that always seem to flood and kill the electricity. BUT, haaaaa then comes fall. Of late our falls have been long and warm. Warm meaning the perfect tempature. No more tornado season, or storm season, or snow. Just beautifil mild tempatures. The earthy colors are so magnificant. I always get excited and make sure I get out on peak color weekend. My fav holiday is Holloween. The dang gon loud lawn equipment like mowers quiet down. You can have a bon fire and its perfect weather for it. Looking forward to the upcoming holidays take place in the fall. You can celebrate the fall Equinox. If you are of the Pagan persuasion, theres much to look forward to. The New Year is Holloween for some Pagan practioners. Thanksgiving is another fav holday because there not the pressure of Xmas yet, just food glorious food. I'm not ashamed that i love that part of the holiday. And family getting together of course. Sooo, that is the season i would miss the most if I did not have it. If I ever move to another state, I will come home in the fall just to experience it.
