Friday, June 3, 2011


I am in a state of pure bliss.  How did I get to be this lucky?? :)  I truly am living my dream of traveling and being a chiropractor and having awesome adventures.  I thank the universe everyday for bringing me amazing opportunities.  I'm a strong believer in something called Access Energy.  It's somewhere along the lines of The Secret, only so much better.  It's about manifesting awesome things in your life and allowing the infinite possibilities to come into your life.  Things maybe you couldn't have even dreamed up yourself.  It allows me to deal with the good, the bad, the ugly with as much ease, joy, and glory as possible.  I am eternally grateful for the people who brought Access into my life. :)  Two gals in chiropractic school: Shelly and Maggie really taught me that there are other possibilities than all the trauma and drama of life.  That I can choose something different every ten seconds.  Many of you know of my crazy acronyms that I say or post on facebook a lot. :)  Those come from Access.  Here's a few of them in case you ever see me post one of these or want to try them out for yourself:

hdigabtt?: How does it get any better than this?  You can use this when you are feeling good, bad, sad, mad, neutral, whatever,to allow something even better to happen no matter what state you are in at that moment.  

weip? or watip?: What else is possible?  or What are the infinite possibilities?  enough said.

hdigtbsl?:  How did I get to be so lucky?  Expressing gratitude for the good things you have in life will only allow more good things to show up. :)

All of Life Comes to Me with Ease, Joy, and Glory: This is the mantra off access; 'all of life' means the good, the bad, the ugly.  Allows you to deal with everything that comes your way with more ease.  

I'm in such a state of bliss, I feel like breaking out in song and dance like in the musicals. :-P  I'm on the MRT in the morning with my ipod and I just want to start singing and dancing!  I recently watched the season finale of Glee three times in less than a week.  Something in this episode really struck a nerve in a wonderful way.  I think I could relate to how amazing Rachael and Kurt felt when they were on that broadway stage, and to  the amazing-ness and magical-ness of NYC.  And not to mention the amazing (word of the day, yes?) voices on that show just make you feel so good.  I would say my current song of the day is "For Good" from the musical Wicked, which was sung by Rachel and Kurt on the Glee season finale.
The song talks about how we change for the better from the people that we meet in our lives.  Each person who is reading this has taught me something that has made me into a better person.  "Because I knew you...
I have been changed for gooood"  Everlasting gratitude to each and every one of you. :) xo.

If your life was a musical, what would your current theme song be?                 


  1. Good post there pyle! Keep up the good work!

  2. Sorry to say today would be "The sun will ccome out tomorrow." from Annie. Feeling a little blue today over something. However, I have been practicing access like crazy and I feel so different at work. I also believe it has helped me to experience not nearly as much discomfort during this situation.

    Your viewers will see that the apple does not fall too far from the tree. Even though you introduced me to access. I speak my access mantras outloud so the universe hears them while driving in my car every moring on the way to work. I guess it would be the same for folks who say the rosary or pray daily. When you think about it it's really just what folks have been doing forever, praying. guess were not so weird after all.



  3. Peggy, give Lady Gaga a chance and sing "Born This Way" while in the car. I think you will find it very therapeutic. Plus, it makes for a better response when the guy who is sitting next to you at the light asks "what were you singing to yourself", compared to "oh I was practicing my universe access mantra".......just saying. Unless you have some funky bumper stickers that represent nature, world peace, certain causes, etc., then the mantra answer is probably OK since the guy was sort of prepared for the answer in advance. LOL CHEER UP and SMILE!

  4. lol your are so funny mr anonymous who is not so anonymous. Actually I'v got it covered. I e I had already thought that if anyone sees me moving my lips they will think I'm singing or think im on the phone or think im talking to a passenger in the car. By the way I'm impressed that you are a fan of Lady Gaga.
